Title V Operating Permit

What Industry Wants

  • The Title V Operating Permit is required for air emissions to be released from a major source. Industry wants permission to release these air emissions.

Opportunities for Resident Engagement

  • Public comment period lasting 30 days which must be advertised at least 30 days before beginning.


People Involved

  • Operators and PADEP officials.


  • Operator has 120 days to submit the application within 120 days or order by the PADEP.

Opportunities for Improvement

  • Extended opportunities for public comment.


  • Operator must post notice in a local newspaper of general circulation, and PADEP must post notice in the PA Bulletin.

Discussion of Step

In the permit application, the owner or operator must include identifying info, a description of the source, emissions rates, a compliance schedule, emissions monitoring or test methods.

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